These Are 7 Of The World's Deadliest Creatures

These Are 7 Of The World's Deadliest Creatures

The world is full of creepy crawly creatures - some poisonous and some not. But, you may be surprised to know that not all poisonous creatures are creepy crawly and some are much more deadly than others. Below are 7 of the most deadliest and I bet you’ll be surprised by some of them!

1. Black Mamba

Ok, this one probably comes as no surprise to you. The Black Mamba makes its home in Eastern Africa and is so-named due to the color of the inside of its mouth. The Black Mamba’s lethalness is second only to the King Cobras. It can grow to be 8 - 10 feet long and strikes so quickly that its target often doesn’t even see it coming. After being bitten, the unfortunate victim is dead in a matter of minutes.

2. Komodo Dragon

Native to the Indonesian islands of Komodo, Flores, Montang, Padar, Gili and Rinca, this giant lizard can grow to be 8.5 feet long and weigh up to 200 pounds! Fossils that look a lot like the Komodo have been dated as far back as 3 million years ago. Which means that this ancient beast has been terrorizing Indonesia for quite some time. The venom from its bite is only intended to slow its victim down. Once in its grasp, the Komodo Dragon has been known to eat an entire deer at once.

3. Wandering Spider

The Wandering Spider is not only the deadliest spider on Earth it is also the most aggressive, which makes for a bad combination for its intended victim. It can be found in South America and is so named due to its habit of hiding in unexpected places, then jumping out at its intended prey. Its venom is twice as poisonous as the Black Widow and contains Serotonin and other neurotoxins. Once bitten, the brain and other organs quickly begin to shut down. While death comes quickly, it’s also extremely painful.

4. Mosquito

If you’re surprised by seeing this diminutive creature on my list, you’ll soon discover why it’s here. Mosquitoes can carry a number of diseases that are deadly to humans, among them West Nile Virus, Dengue Fever, Encephalitis and Malaria. On average one million people die per year directly as a cause of a mosquito bite. That adds up to 2,700 per day and 100 every hour! A child dies every 30 seconds from Malaria.

5. Cone Snail

Cone Snails make their home in the Pacific Ocean and, while they may appear like beautiful, harmless molluscs, they are anything but that! Cone Snails’ usual prey are small fish, but they have been known to sting humans, too, with deadly results. Their venom causes an almost instant reaction in humans that includes headache, vomiting, diarrhea, seizures, and respiratory failure. Add these symptoms to the fact that you’re in water and that makes for an incredibly deadly combination.

6. Stone Fish

Like the Cone Snail, the Stone Fish makes its home in the Pacific Ocean. The Stone Fish is aptly named due to its ability to blend into its surroundings. It can even leave the water for up to 24 hours and disguise itself as just another rock on the beach. If stepped on, it injects venom into its victim. While the venom usually just causes intense pain in the person unfortunate enough to make its acquaintance, it has been known to cause death.

7. Africanized Bee

The Africanized Bee (also known as the African Honey Bee and “Killer Bee”) is a cross between the African Honey Bee and the Western Honey Bee. The Africanized Bee was introduced in Brazil in 1950 in the hopes that the hybrid bee would provide an increased honey supply. The problems began when 26 swarms escaped and made their way to North America where the first hives were discovered in Texas in 1990. Africanized Bees are most deadly to other bees, but they have been deadly for humans as well, mostly because of their swarming abilities. They are so aggressive that they have been known to chase a human for one quarter of a mile. They have killed over 1000 humans, but have also killed other animals, especially cows and horses.

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