6 Benefits Of Living Near Trees

It's hard to put a price tag on a tree. What's the actual worth of a tree? Instead of trying to measure the value of a tree in dollars, let's consider what they directly do for us in our day to day lives.

1. Trees provide homes for wildlife.

There are few things I enjoy more than seeing the critters of our world enjoying themselves in my yard, and trees make it happen.

Trees provide food, shelter, nesting, and a place for mating for numerous animals that live in town and in the forest. These habitats are incredibly important for their ability to survive.

When you plant and protect trees, you're providing so much for the natural world. More than just some shade.

2. Protecting your property from flooding.

Trees are often pretty big, which means they can hold enormous amounts of water.

The water that trees can rapidly soak up may otherwise quickly run off into streams, creating the potential for flooding and damage to your property.

3. Lowering utility bills.

How does a tree lower your utility bill? Each tree near your home acts as a windbreak in the winter, decreasing your heating bill, and shade in the summer, decreasing your cooling bill.

A household with trees near it tends to be about 5 degrees warmer in the winter and spends 12% less on cooling costs in the summer. Cha-ching!

4. Easing your mind.

Trees benefit us in many ways, and improving our overall mental health is one of them. Spending time around trees has been found in numerous studies to yield better self-discipline, cognitive function, and just overall well being.

One study found that people who can see trees from their hospital rooms were hospitalized for, on average, 8 percent fewer days than their non-treed counterparts.

5. Reduced crime.

Crime, petty or not, costs billions of dollars every year, and wouldn't you know it, trees reduce crime.

How? Well, studies have found that neighborhoods with more trees have less crime than those that lack trees. Researchers speculate that this is a result of green spaces helping calming and encouraging people to spend more time outdoors with their neighbors, improving community trust.

6. Clean air and climate change mitigation.

Clean air and climate change pose direct threats to people all over the world. Dirty air can make you sick and climate change can impact you in numerous ways.

Trees are excellent carbon sequestration agents. One tree can soak up 48 pounds of carbon dioxide each year, sequestering a ton of carbon dioxide by its 40th birthday.

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