10 things only a true outdoor enthusiast would understand

There are certain things only true outdoor enthusiasts will understand. But first you need to understand what an outdoor enthusiast is. Here is our tentree definition: Loving the environment and helping others is natural for us.....we were born this way. This is everything to us. If you are in this group it is because you genuinely believe you can change the world. You are a fun, free spirit and savour the new, the offbeat, and the risky. You are enthusiastic for life, impulsive and rebellious. You are one of us and we --- we are nature enthusiasts. We are the tentree trailblazers.

Here are ten things only a true outdoor enthusiast would understand:

1) There is no such thing as the 'Ten second rule'

A little dirt never hurt no body. No food goes to waste, as we need it all to fuel our activities! Besides it just strengthens our immune system.

2) No shower? No problem

Iceland tentree It is perfectly okay to go multiple days without a real shower and wear the same clothing over and over again. We do not mind being dirty, though look forward to the days where we can rinse off in one of mother natures baths: a waterfall, mountain stream, back country lake, or the ocean. Especially in the summer after a long day of adventuring in the heat!

3) The importance of packing light

image3 We all have those friends who show up to go ‘camping’ with copious amounts of gear. A giant suitcase or multiple bags, tons of clothing, big fluffy blankets, pillows, blow up air mattresses, blow dryers, make up, etc. We know that this will just slow us down and have learnt to pack less by investing in higher end, lightweight gear. Quality over quantity! We all have those items that have been with us for years and have yet to let us down.

4) Duct tape is our best friend

tentree duct tape The uses for duct tape are endless, especially when in the outdoors. It is a necessity in our daypacks. Duct tape can be used to create emergency sandals or bandages, to fix a leaky boat, patching sleeping mats, bags, or if we tear a whole in our clothing, as well as strapping things to trees and much more! The list is endless.

5) When you 'gotta go' you 'gotta go'

We don’t understand when people insist on ‘holding it’ until they get to a bathroom. Those people who refuse to go in the woods, then continue to complain about having to go, just does not make sense to us. How can you fully embrace the moment and enjoy your surroundings when your body is yelling at you? No toilet paper? Well…we just hope there are some good leafy trees around.

6) ‘Adventure list anxiety’

image6 We can all relate to that anxious feeling we get when we think about or look at that never ending list of 'Adventures we must go on before we die’. I mean how are we possibly going to summit all those mountains?Travel to every one of those countries? Kayak on all those lakes? Run every trail? Scale every rock wall? Road trip and camp in every one of those destinations? How will we find the money or the time to possibly do it all!?

7) 'There is no such thing as bad weather... only poorly dressed'

image2 We try to take advantage of everyday and whatever weather conditions we are presented with. You really can adventure anywhere, anytime if you have the proper gear to do so. Besides the bad weather often just adds to the adventure and the stories we will have to tell after the fact. ‘Everything is either a great idea, or a great story’.

8) Endless hours spent traveling

image4 Some of our ‘adventure destinations’ require long drives or commutes. ‘You spent that much time driving just to get here!? ‘You drive that far every weekend!?’ ‘How much money do you spend on gas?’ ‘You are crazy.’ Sound familiar? These responses are not foreign to us outdoor enthusiasts when we converse with others in regards to our commutes. We have found half the fun to be in the getting to our destination anyway.

9) The fear of shopping malls

11157501_10206822360417499_7025201017571708006_o We would rather own a little, then own a lot. We invest our time in creating memories and checking off adventures, rather then in material items. Why would you want to spend hours and hours amongst rowdy shoppers when you could spend them amongst thousands of beautiful, peaceful trees outside? Unless we are talking about an ‘outdoor store’, then we are in trouble. I know some of us have certain stores we could live in (aka ‘Mountain Equipment Co-op’ or Heaven on earth).

10) 'Environmental Pollution Frustration'

We at tentree believe in carpooling whenever possible and 'leaving nothing but footprints' on the trails. We cannot stand watching people toss garbage out of their car window and finding litter on the trails. We believe in giving back to the environment and treating Mother Nature with the greatest respect. Protect the world you play in.

If you like the photos in this blog then follow me on instagram @brookewillson :)

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