10 Reasons Your Best Friend is a Tree

I answered my phone, knowing that this was the call I was waiting for. The call that could change my life. I said ‘hello’ and immediately heard the four little words I’ve been waiting to hear, “You got the job.” I was so excited I could hardly contain myself. I couldn’t believe it was actually happening to me. I felt like I couldn’t breath and began to shake as I thanked him and hung up the phone. A huge grin stretched across my face as I internally cheered. I wanted to tell the whole world but I wasn’t allowed to, not until the decision was made public next week. I needed to tell someone, at least one friend that was patient and could keep the news a secret. They could celebrate with me and support my accomplishment. I stared at my phone in my shaking hand and began to look through my contacts for someone I could tell the news to. I paused on several of my friend’s numbers but none of them felt right. I loved my friends and family, I would trust them with my life but something like this could slip out so easily. Everything I worked so hard for could be gone in a moments notice and I wasn’t going to let that happen. I put my phone back in my pocket, pondering who I could speak to. I gazed out the window to the tree line and suddenly it hit me, I could tell my favorite tree.

Here’s Ten Reasons Your Best Friend is a Tree:

1. They Are Patient Trees cannot chase what they want or run from what’s hurting them. Instead they must be patient, each day growing towards the sun and digging their roots into the earth. Like trees, best friends have incredible patience. DSC09374

2. They Are Determined Trees seem to be able to accomplish anything, such as being able to grow on the sides of cliffs with just a little bit of soil and a lot of determination. Best friends are determined to succeed themselves but also demand more of you, they get just as happy seeing you succeed as well. laurence02-2

3. They Nurture Us Trees provide the fresh air and food humans need to survive. Best friends help us survive as well -- they give us the love and support we need to keep going in the hard times (after a breakup). DSC02099

4. They Are The Best Playmates A childhood isn’t complete without climbing trees, picking apples, and pretending to be monkeys swinging on low hanging branches. Like trees, no matter how old we get, we need that playmate that can help us forget about everything and live in the moment. DSC02622

5. The Need Is Mutual At tentree we know how important trees are for our happiness and health, so we give back what the forest needs in order to thrive. Best friends need us just like we need them. DSC09713

6. They Protect Us Trees provide shelter and protect us from the environment. Whether its providing shade from the sun or shelter from the rain, they will always be there. Best friends will fight to keep you safe. Even if it means fighting with you! DRCONGO-UNREST-WILDLIFE-GORILLA

7. They Listen And Can Keep A Secret A good friend is someone that you can tell anything to and trust with your biggest secrets. Carson_Tofin_tentree_small_06

8. We Can’t Take Them For Granted The tentree community knows that tree’s wont always be here if we don’t give back what we take away. Best friends don't ask for much, but we care for them so we give anyway. Ten_tree_hi_res-36-2

9. Sometimes They Need A Little Extra TLC A little bit of fertilizer and a whole lot of love goes a long way. A first year planter puts a tree in the ground.

10. They Are Ever Changing Trees, just like people, grow, change, and develop scars over time. Each tree is unique and requires a different environment to meet their full potential.

For this reason, at each planting site, tentree asks the locals which trees should be planted . Whether it’s in Madagascar, Senegal or Malawi we trust the people that the people who live there to know what’s right for the environment they care so much about. Just like with our best friends, we wouldn't let anyone else choose what's best for them.

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