We’ve Planted 15 Million Trees - Here’s A Behind-The-Scenes Look At Our Work

At the end of last year we provided our partners with over $30,000 USD to purchase a boat in order to provide the team with easier access to supplies, saplings, wages, and more.

As usual, the work in Madagascar continues to thrive. It is tentree's largest site and continues to be one of the most impactful. In 2017 alone, we will plant over 2,000,000 trees in Madagascar. Cumulatively, this will amount to almost 8,000,000 trees in Madagascar since inception! However, as many of you know, we don't just partner to support tree planting, we also support infrastructure.

At the end of last year we provided our partners with over 30k USD to purchase a boat in order to provide the team with easier access to supplies, saplings, wages, etc. The previous method of transportation was via an old, unsafe boat or by motorcycle down a path often patrolled by bandits. The boat has changed the lives of those working in our mangrove planting projects. In another project, we were able to support the purchase of a vehicle that will support the transportation of seedlings at our Dry Deciduous planting sites.

Another development comes with the digging of three fresh water wells at these project sites. One of the most exciting parts of a project like ours is that, with food and income security, villages are able to focus on other ways to improve their livelihood. In this case, it means wells to provide clean drinking water. In addition to drinking water, they will support the development of farming that will ultimately feed thousands.

The most important part of the food project is that the distribution will be targeted at groups that are often disadvantaged and left to fend for themselves - single mothers and disabled. Another example of the impact tree planting can have beyond the environmental restoration was the building of the very first elementary school in Madagascar last year. These are all incredible accomplishments that we can be very proud of.

On average, 80 - 100 trees can provide a full day of employment for a local villager. This includes the variety of tasks associated with the planting including collection, preparation, transportation, etc. This year alone, our planting will result in hundreds of full-time jobs and allow numerous families to provide a future for their children, their seniors, and their community.

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