These Are The 14 Types Of Trees We Plant In Kenya

These Are The 14 Types Of Trees We Plant In Kenya

The types of trees we plant in Kenya are based off of requests from locals -- we asked them what type of trees would work best in their respective areas and then helped them learn to grow and care for the tree. Here are the types of trees we plan in Kenya:


Casuarina equisetifolia

casuarina-equisetifolia12985 3 The wood of this tree can be used for shingles, fencing, and branches (harvested sustainably) are said to make excellent, hot burning firewood.


Yellowwood (aka Podocarpus falcatus)

Yellowwood The wood, often called podo or yellowwood, is good for construction, particularly boat and ship building.


Croton megalocarpus

Croton megalocarpus A dominant upper canopy forest tree reaching heights of 40m or more. It is great for restoring soil and reduces heat in areas (shade cover).


Waterpear (aka Syzygium guineense)

Syzygium guineense The waterpear tree produces fruits and leaves, both of which are edible; the pulp and the fruit skin are sucked and the seed discarded.


Fountain Tree (aka Spathodea companulata)

spathodea-campanulata Can be used as food, timber, and medicine.


Lead Tree (aka Leucaena leucocephala)

tentree kenya A small, fast-growing mimosoid (flowering) tree, considered for biomass production.


Moringa (aka Moringa oleifera)

tentree kenya Can be cultivated for its leaves, pods, and/or its kernels for oil extraction and water purification.


Fever Tree (aka Acacai xanthopholea)

Acacia_xanthophloea_leaves Known for their hardiness in dry land Africa, Acacia species are actually very diverse and are native to most regions around the world. Many of the popular agroforestry species are not thorny, though many Acacia species, especially those in Africa, have evolved thorns as a method of protecting themselves from browsing, and thereby conserving water.


African Olive (aka Olea africana)

The wood is much-prized and durable, with a strong smell similar to bay rum, and is used for fine furniture and turnery.


Erthyrina burtii

Erthyrina burtii The tree has cleaning, antimicrobial properties to it that fight fungi and bacteria.


Flowering Tree (aka Cordia africana)

Cordia africana This tree has been used for cabinet making, high-quality furniture, veneers and general construction.


Red Stinkwood (aka Prunes’ africana)

Red Stinkwood Used for fevers, malaria, wound dressing, arrow poison, stomach pain, purgative, kidney disease, appetite stimulant, gonorrhoea, and insanity.


Meru Oak (aka Vitex keniensis)

tentree kenya This is a source of wood that is both durable and has an attractive grain.


Kassod Tree (aka Senna siamea)

11305929576_6a1a4b854a_b This plant has medicinal value and it contains a compound named Barakol.

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