The tentree Philosophy: Making it Official

phi•los•o•phy [fi-los-uh-fee] noun

A theory or attitude held by an individual or organization that acts as a guiding principle for behaviour.

The notion of “philosophy” brings back, for me, fleeting memories of fluorescent lighting and the squeak of linoleum floors. Listening to one of my high school teachers lecturing on Aquinas, Aristotle, and Plato, I sat in silence taking notes without ever really absorbing what the word “philosophy” truly meant.

As I have “matured” (I use the word loosely), I have forced myself to self-reflect, within the parameters of both my professional and personal life, and question what my own personal philosophies are. For as long as I can remember, adoration of the natural world and the importance of its protection have been key ingredients within my core belief system. I was fortunate enough to grow up in a family of nature lovers intent on exploring the forests, lakes, and mountains within our very own backyard. Likewise, I am now lucky enough to have the opportunity to be employed by a company that shares the same common ideologies as myself; one of which is the preservation of our planet.

So it comes down to the question, what exactly is the tentree philosophy?

When you really look at it, tentree is a company focused on more than just the natural world. Our environment, and how we interact with it, is incredibly important to us. This relationship between humans and our environment should be symbiotic: a truly mutually beneficial partnership. What has been the result, however, is much more one-sided.

Throughout our entire human narrative, the environment has continued to give and give and give.

And in return, we take and take and take. Often times, without ever giving back.

We here at tentree are committed to helping foster a relationship between humans and the environment that will allow for the continuation of both in a respectful and fruitful manner. Pun entirely intended. IMG_20130716_175117

Not only do we hope to protect the Earth, but we also hope to protect and assist those living on it.

The saying goes “Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.” Now while this proverb places a lot of faith in the ability of someone to fish after only a lesson or two (I, for one, can attest that being taught how to fish can still result in you being a terrible fisher), it still carries philosophical weight.

Through our reforestation projects, stretching from India to Ethiopia and Madagascar, we are hiring locals, promoting economic growth, and providing educational resources that are helping communities long-term. We aren’t simply planting forests; we’re teaching people how to feed and care for themselves, their families, and their communities using their surroundings in a sustainable manner. With the help of our reforestation partners, we are encouraging locals to feel pride in the forests they’ve planted, providing a sustainable resource for construction, cooking, and fodder, as well as revitalizing the physical landscape of our planet.

So what’s the tentree philosophy?

I suppose it’s that we’re focused on making a long-term commitment to the environment, and those of us living in it. Let’s make it official!

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