5 Wildlife Jobs That Require No College Degree
Recently, we wrote about how you can get a job planting trees for the summer, working on the front lines of the battle against climate change and deforestation. But tree planting isn't for everyone. It's certainly a tough job to take on. One of the reasons we plant 10 trees for each item purchased in our store is because trees give habitat to wildlife, and we absolutely love animals!
While we don't have any tree planting jobs available, check out our careers page to see current job postings.
If tree planting isn't for you, maybe a job working with wildlife is. There are numerous jobs that don't require a degree that let you work directly with animals. They're not always easy to get, but they do exist. Here's 5 careers that'll have you working with animals:
1. Park Ranger

As a park ranger, you'll be assigned to a state or national park, where you'll not only work with wildlife in nature, but you'll help people learn about the parks and understand how to properly engage with the environment. Being a park ranger is an excellent position to take on if you want to work in nature but don't have a degree. As you get experience, promotions and raises are made available to you.
If you want help looking for a job as a park ranger, check the U.S. Dept of Interior website to see what's currently available.
2. Wildlife researcher.

Nonprofit organizations that study wildlife often require workers at every skill level to help with their researching needs. Some nonprofits will want some educational experience, but maybe wildlife researchers don't need a degree to get a job.
3. Wildlife educator.

Wildlife educators come in a lot of shapes and sizes. It's a fairly generic term. These jobs are sometimes hosted by city governments, national parks, and zoos. Wildlife educators don't always require a degree, but do require a somewhat thorough understanding of animals and biology, or at least a willingness to learn more. You should also be comfortable speaking in front of groups of people.
4. Wildlife technician.

Wildlife technician is another somewhat generic name, encompassing a wide variety of entry-level positions. Wildlife techs usually work with more experienced, more educated scientists, gathering data and helping with the conservation of animals, particularly populations that are threatened or endangered.
5. Zoo keeper.

Zoo keeper is last on my list because some zoos require at least a 2-year degree, but not every job requires it. It's just more difficult to find one of these jobs without a degree, but it's not impossible. Because of the competition for these jobs, you may want to try and get another entry-level position at the zoo, just to get your foot in the door, and then try to work your way into a more ideal position.
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