5 Ways To Make New Friends While Traveling

5 Ways To Make New Friends While Traveling

“We leave something of ourselves behind when we leave a place, we stay there, even though we go away. And there are things in us that we can find again only by going back there.” - Pascal Mercier

Traveling the world is a truly wonderful experience, whether you’re exploring the far reaches of our planet or experiencing new places closer to home. Visiting landmarks, climbing the highest peaks, and enjoying the cultures of different places are all things that we readily consider when planning a new adventure. But it’s the people we meet along the way that make travel so special.

Making friends in foreign lands truly is an incredible experience. They help us see the world through a set of eyes unlike any back home. Friends in foreign lands make great allies. Here are 5 ways to make new friends while traveling.

Take a group tour

Group tours are a great way to experience a new place. A guided group tour takes a lot of the stress and guesswork out of finding different landmarks and sites. Tour guides can also help point out hidden gems you might otherwise miss. The best part? That you’re in a group!

Group tours are enjoyed by tourists and locals alike. You’ll find yourself in a diverse group of people from around the world. Group tours can be a unique experience that create lasting friendships.

Experience the night-life


The night life doesn’t have to be a wild time. Many cities have different kinds of bars and clubs, from low-key taverns to noisy clubs. Some hostels, should you choose to stay in them, have bars attached to them, allowing you to get better acquainted with the people you’re rooming with. Some cities have organized pub crawls and bicycle tours that take you to different bars, which are a great way to experience the night-life and meet fun new people.

Attend public events

Major recurring events happen all around the world and they’re a great place to meet new, interesting people. If you plan to visit China, perhaps plan it around the Snow and Ice Festival in Harbin. If you’re thinking about going to India, Holi is an incredible celebration. Oktoberfest in Munich and Mardi Gras in New Orleans are celebrations you also won’t want to miss!

Major worldwide events attract not just locals, but a diverse group of people from all around the world. You never know who you could meet!

Stay in a hostel

The privacy and comfort of a hotel or a rental home is enticing, there’s no denying that, but staying in a hostel is an experience like no other. There are often fun activities, parties, and similar events planned for the guests of a hostel, and no two are alike. They also cost quite a bit less than the average hotel, easing the burden placed on your wallet when you travel.

Each one is visited by many different people from around the world, making them an excellent place to meet new people and make new friends. For some, staying with strangers in such close quarters seems like a lot to deal with, but most hostels have tighter security than you think, and many do offer lockers with locks to secure your most private possessions. So while hostels may seem a little risky, they really aren’t, and you’ll find that many of those strangers will become good friends!

Immerse yourself in the culture

The best advice we could give is also probably the most general advice: step outside of your comfort zone. Really immerse yourself in the culture you're visiting. It helps to learn a few words of the local language and really keep an open mind. You'll experience new foods, new sights, new ideas, and best of all, new people!

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