10 Hardy House Plants That Are Impossible To Kill

10 Hardy House Plants That Are Impossible To Kill

Indoor plants aren’t just nice to look at. They have a lot of positive benefits! They help reduce stress, make your indoor air cleaner, and, according to one study  actually increases your focus and productivity by 15%! But if you’re anything like me, you don’t exactly have the greenest thumb. So I decided to seek out a list of 10 nearly impossible to kill houseplants.

Chlorophytum comosum

“Spider plant”


Spider plants get their name from the long, spider leg-like leafs that seem to come directly from the ground. These plants enjoy bright to moderate light, but not direct sunlight. They grow fast and will need to be repotted every year. Each year, the spider plant sends out offsets, sometimes called “pups,” that can be transplanted and grown into new plants! They produce small, white flowers during the summer. Water moderately.

Sansevieria trifasciata

“Snake plant”

Snake plants are incredibly easy to grow. They thrive in full sun, bright light, and darker spaces, making it a versatile indoor and outdoor plant. They can handle poor soil conditions and a hit-or-miss watering schedule. They produce greenish-white flowers on slender stalks. There are more than 50 recognized species of snake plant.

Aspidistra elatior

“Cast iron plant”

As I’m sure you can guess from its name, the cast iron plant is one tough customer. It’s a shade plant, making it ideal for indoor growth,and pretty agreeable to hot weather, cold, air, and humid conditions. Once established, the plant only needs to be watered from time to time. It does flower, but the flowers are pretty inconspicuous. This plant is appreciated mostly for its foliage. If given ample soil to grow in, the plant will reach about 2 feet tall and 3 feet wide.

Epipremnum aureum

“Devil’s ivy”

Devil’s ivy is another easy to grow plant that can be reproduced easily. It’s a fast-growing vine that can grow 6 to 8 feet in length, making them excellent hanging plants. They don’t generally mind what kind of soil they’re planted in and do well in full or partial shade. It’s drought tolerant but does like a good, thorough watering periodically. Devil’s ivy can be invasive, so avoid planting it outside. New plants can be rooted via clippings.

Crassula ovata

”Jade plant”

What kind of hardy plant list would this be if we didn’t include the jade plant? These are sometimes called “friendship plants” as they are incredibly easy to split up and give as gifts. Even taking just one leaf and embedding it into some well-drained soil will result in a whole new plant. Never let a jade plant’s soil dry out completely, but be careful not to water too frequently. If the soil is dry to the touch, it’s time for a watering. They can handle full sun or part shade, but shaded jade plants tend to grow slower. They produce small, white flowers in the winter if kept in ideal conditions.


“Peace lily”

Peace lilies are a tropical plant that produces rich, green foliage and iconic white flowers. Even though they’re tropical, they are very easy to grow. They can handle darker spaces with indirect light. The plant likes being able to dry out before being watered again. Be warned though, while the peace lily is a beautiful and easy to grow plant, they can be toxic to cats and dogs. If you have pets at home, you should consider avoiding this plant or placing it firmly out of reach of your four-legged friends.


”African violets”

Most of the plants on this list are more admired for their leaves than their flowers, but African violets burst with colorful flowers for extended periods of time. It is a bit more difficult to grow than the other plants on this list as well. The soil should be kept moist but not soggy. Allowing the soil to dry out periodically will encourage flower growth. Always water from the base of the plant. Water contacting the leaves can cause spotting and damage.

Dracaena massangeana


There are a number of different Dracaena plants that you can grow in your home, but Dracaena massangeana is my favorite. It slightly resembles a palm tree and can handle a substantial amount of abuse. You can water them fairly infrequently and don’t require direct sunlight. Bright light is ideal for a Dracaena plant.

Zamioculcas zamifolia

”Zanzibar gem”

Zanzibar gems are appreciated for their thick, glossy green leaves and is perhaps the most unkillable plant on our list. It enjoys having its soil dry out thoroughly between waterings and can grow in full sun or total shade. The plant will continue to send new branches up from the soil and, over time, can be split off into new plants.


”Leopard lily” or “dumb cane”

Last on our list is the leopard lily. They need very little light and can handle negligent watering, particularly in the winter. If it’s warm out, try to give it a bit more water than usual. It does enjoy high humidity but can handle dry air. The plant is not normally deadly, as recent chain emails might suggest, but be cautioned: every part of the plant contains calcium oxalate crystals which, if munched on by a pet, a child, or a curious adult, can cause a painful, swollen mouth.

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